Document Details


Drainage Services Department


Contract No. DC/2007/24
Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A

Construction of Sewage Conveyance System

from Aberdeen to Sai Ying Pun


Document Title

Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report

Document No.




Copy No.

Issued To

Copy No.

Issued To


Leighton-LNS JV


Metcalf & Eddy-AECOM JV


Mott MacDonald Hong Kong Ltd


ACL (Project Office)




ACL (Head Office)





Submission Ref

Controlled Copy No.




Atkins Ref.(s)









Revision History













30 Mar 2010

Submission to IEC for Verification

(upon comments on Landscape and Visual Section)


Susana Halliday

Eric Chui


9 Dec 2009

Submission to IEC for Verification


Susana Halliday

Eric Chui


8 Dec 2009

Submission to IEC for Review


Susana Halliday

Eric Chui





Checked & Reviewed









This Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report has been prepared by Atkins China Ltd (ACL) for Contract No. DC/2007/24 Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from Aberdeen to Sai Ying Pun (hereinafter, the Project), in compliance with the Project EM&A Manual under EP No. EP-322/2008/B.  This Report presents the baseline environmental monitoring results which cover air quality, noise as well as visual and landscape aspects as monitored between September to December 2009 prior to commencement of Project construction works.  Relevant monitoring was conducted in accordance with the Project EM&A Manual and Baseline Environmental Monitoring Plan Rev C approved by IEC on 19 November 2009.


Apart from the construction works conducted by the Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel at the vicinity of Project Cyberport PTW site, no major construction activities influencing air quality, noise or landscape and visual aspects were identified during the baseline monitoring.


Air Quality

Baseline air quality monitoring was undertaken at four representative sensitive receiver locations (CM_FM1 Western Wholesale Food Market, CM_CB1a The Arcade, Cyberport, CM_WF1a Wah Ming House and CM_AB1a The Hong Kong Ice and Cold Storage).  The baseline monitoring of air quality included 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring, which was undertaken from September to December 2009, were ranged from 46 to 126mg/m3 and 68 to 90mg/m3 respectively.  The baseline TSP monitoring data was processed, reviewed and analysed to establish the Action Levels for 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Levels to be used during impact monitoring.   The Limit Levels for 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Levels were based on the Project EM&A Manual.



Five locations (M3 Block A, Kwan Yick Building Phase III, M5 Chuk Lam Ming Tong, M6a Outside of Aegean Terrace, M7a Wah Ming House and M8 Wah Lai House) have been completed with the results presented in this Report.  Baseline noise monitoring was conducted over period of at least two weeks at each location.  Average Leq(30min) results for these five locations ranged from 57.3(A) to 69.1dB(A) during the daytime of normal weekdays and Leq(5min) ranged from 50.8dB(A) to 67.1dB(A) during restricted hours.  Results from the monitoring work have been processed to establish baseline conditions.  Action and Limit Levels were adopted from the Project EM&A Manual.


Landscape and Visual

Site visits for the baseline landscape and visual monitoring were made on the 2 December 2009.  No significant changes between the existing and the baseline condition of landscape resources, landscape characters areas and views towards visually sensitive receivers as stipulated in the approved EIA were identified aside from:


ˇP                  Change of landscape resources of LR5 and LR7; and

ˇP                  One removed VSR in Aberdeen (OU7.1 Concrete Batching Plant, Planned Coach Parking Area).


Two trees were identified as missing at each of LR5 and LR7 and 1 dead tree was identified at LR7.  The compensation of these missing/dead trees is under discussion with DLO.  Except LR5 and LR7, no changes to the landscape and visual mitigation measures as proposed in the approved EIA are required.




1    INTroduction.. 3

1.1      Project Background Information. 3

1.2      Purpose and Scope of the Baseline Monitoring. 3

1.3      Report Content 3

1.4      Report Structure. 4

2    air quality.. 5

2.1      Monitoring Requirements. 5

2.2      Monitoring Locations. 5

2.3      Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme. 5

2.4      Air Quality (Dust) Monitoring Equipment 6

2.5      Methodology and QA/QC Procedure. 6

2.6      Results. 8

2.7      Action and Limit Levels. 9

2.8      Event and Action Plan. 9

3    Noise.. 11

3.1      Monitoring Requirements. 11

3.2      Monitoring Locations. 11

3.3      Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration. 12

3.4      Noise Monitoring Equipment 12

3.5      Methodology and QA/QC Procedure. 13

3.6      Results. 13

3.7      Action and Limit Levels. 14

3.8      Event and Action Plan. 15

4    landscape and visual. 17

4.1      Monitoring Requirements. 17

4.2      Summary of Findings in Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring Report 18

4.3      Event and Action Plan. 20

5    revision for inclusion in the em&A manual. 21

6    conclusions and recommendations.. 22

6.1      Overview. 22

6.2      Air Quality. 22

6.3      Noise. 22

6.4      Landscape and Visual 22


List of Tables


Table 2.1      List of Air Quality (Dust) Monitoring Locations. 5

Table 2.2      Equipment Used for Dust Monitoring at CM_CB1a, CM_WF1a and CM_AB1a. 6

Table 2.3      Summary of Baseline 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results. 8

Table 2.4      Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Dust) 9

Table 2.5      Event/ Action Plan for Construction Air Quality. 10

Table 3.1      List of Noise Monitoring Locations. 11

Table 3.2      Baseline Noise Monitoring Programme. 12

Table 3.3      Noise Monitoring Equipment 13

Table 3.4      Summary of Baseline Noise Monitoring Results. 14

Table 3.5      Action and Limit Levels for Noise. 15

Table 3.6      Event/ Action Plan for Construction Noise. 16

Table 4.1      Key Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) 18

Table 4.2      Updated Information on Landscape Resources. 19

Table 4.3      Landscape Resources with Changed Status. 19

Table 4.4      Event and Action Plan for Landscape and Visual Impact - Construction Phase. 20


List of Figures


Figure 1.1         Overall Layout Plan

Figure 2.1          Construction Dust Monitoring Station at Fung Mat Road Site

Figure 2.2          Construction Dust Monitoring Station at Cyberport PTW

Figure 2.3          Construction Dust Monitoring Station at Wah Fu PTW and Aberdeen PTW

Figure 3.1         Construction Noise Monitoring Station at Fung Mat Road Site

Figure 3.2         Construction Noise Monitoring Station at Sandy Bay PTW

Figure 3.3         Construction Noise Monitoring Station at Cyberport PTW

Figure 3.4         Construction Noise Monitoring Station at Wah Fu PTW and Aberdeen PTW




Appendix A1      Baseline Air Quality Monitoring Schedule

Appendix A2      Calibration Certificates for Air Quality Monitoring Equipment

Appendix A3      Baseline Air Quality Monitoring Results

Appendix B1      Baseline Noise Monitoring Schedule

Appendix B2      Calibration Certificates for Noise Monitoring Equipment

Appendix B3      Baseline Noise Monitoring Data

Appendix C       Weather Condition during Baseline Monitoring Period

Appendix D       Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring Report

Appendix E       Construction Programme

Appendix F        Response to Comments

1                            INTroduction


1.1                      Project Background Information


The Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A Sewage Conveyance System is proposed to collect and convey the pre-treated sewage from eight existing Preliminary Treatment Works (PTW), located along the northern and south-western shoreline of Hong Kong Island, to the Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works (SCISTW) for treatment before final disposal into the western harbour via an existing submarine outfall. 


The sewerage tunnels to be constructed under Contract No. DC/2007/24 ˇ§Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from Aberdeen to Sai Yin Punˇ¨ (hereinafter referred as the Project) run from Aberdeen PTW Production/Drop Shaft towards Sai Ying Pun Junction Shaft.  The tunnel has a total length of approximately 7.5km and it has various internal sizes.  The transitions are located at the junctions with adits connecting to the drop shafts at Aberdeen, Wah Fu, Cyberport, Sandy Bay and Sai Ying Pun.  An overall layout plan of the Project is provided in Figure 1.1 and the overall Project programme is presented in Appendix E.    


Atkins China Ltd (ACL) was appointed by Leighton-LNS Joint Venture (the Contractor of this Project, hereinafter referred as the Contractor) as the Environmental Team (ET) of this Project, to undertake a Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) of this Project in accordance with ˇ§HATS Stage 2A Environmental Impact Assessment Study ˇV Investigation, Final EM&A Manualˇ¨ (Register No. AEIAR-121/2008) under Environmental Permit (EP) No. EP-322/2008/B Part C, Condition 4.2.


1.2                      Purpose and Scope of the Baseline Monitoring


The purpose of this Report is to establish the ambient environmental conditions (including air quality, noise as well as landscape and visual aspects) from 25 September 2009 to 4 December 2009, prior to the commencement of the Project construction works in accordance with the requirements of the Project EM&A Manual.  The baseline conditions will be used as the basis for environmental impact monitoring during construction.


As part of the requirements under EP, the Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report should be verified by the Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) and submitted to the Director of Environmental Protection (DEP) at least 2 weeks before the commencement of the project construction.


1.3                      Report Content


This Report has been prepared in accordance with the Project EM&A Manual and includes the following information:


                                     i.            up to half a page executive summary;

                                    ii.            brief project background information;

                                  iii.            drawings showing locations of the baseline monitoring stations;

                                  iv.            monitoring results (in both hard and diskette copies) together with the following information:

a.      monitoring methodology;

b.      types of equipment used and calibration details;

c.      parameters monitored;

d.      monitoring locations;

e.      monitoring date, time, frequency and duration;

f.        quality assurance (QA)/ quality control (QC) results and detection limits;

                                   v.            details on influencing factors, including

a.      major activities, if any, being carried out on the site during the period;

b.      weather conditions during the period;

c.      other factors which might affect the results.

                                  vi.            determination of the Action and Limit (AL) Levels for each monitoring parameter and statistical analysis of the baseline data, the analysis shall conclude if there is any significant difference between control and impact stations for the parameters monitored;

                                vii.            revisions for inclusion in the EM&A Manual; and

                               viii.            comments, recommendations and conclusions.


1.4                      Report Structure


Following this introductory section, the remaining sections of this report have been set out as follows:


ˇP                  Section 2 ˇV Air Quality

ˇP                  Section 3 ˇV Noise

ˇP                  Section 4 ˇV Landscape and Visual

ˇP                  Section 5 ˇV Revision for Inclusion to the EM&A Manual

ˇP                  Section 6 ˇV Conclusion and Recommendation


2                            air quality


2.1                      Monitoring Requirements


In accordance with the Project EM&A Manual, baseline air quality monitoring should be conducted at representative sensitive receiver locations for a period of at least fourteen days, in terms of 1-hour and 24-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP).  Monitoring of 1-hour TSP was carried out three times per day while that of 24-hour TSP was conducted once everyday for 14 consecutive days.

Monitoring location CM_FM1 Western Wholesale Food Market locates at the interface area of this Project and Contract DC/2007/23, baseline air quality monitoring was conducted by the ET of Contract DC/2007/23 and relevant data is adopted in this Report. 


2.2                      Monitoring Locations


Baseline air quality monitoring was conducted at three (3) other monitoring stations.    Figures 2.1 to 2.3 illustrate the locations of monitoring locations under this Project and relevant descriptions are provided in Table 2.1.  The exact locations of these monitoring stations were changed from the Project EM&A Manual and such revision was approved by EPD.

Table 2.1   List of Air Quality (Dust) Monitoring Locations

Monitoring ID


Location of Measurement

Figure Reference

CM_FM1 (1)


Western Wholesale Food Market

(Fung Mat Road Site)



CM_CB1a (2)


The Arcade, Cyberport

(Cyberport PTW)

Ground level at children playground, adjacent to Project site office


CM_WF1a (2)


Wah Ming House

(Wah Fu PTW)



CM_AB1a (2)

The Hong Kong Ice and Cold Storage, formally known as Dairy Farm Ice and Cold Storage

(Aberdeen PTW)


1.5m raised platform at car park


Note:    (1)           Baseline air quality monitoring was conducted by ET of Contact DC/2007/23 and data is adopted in this Report.

            (2)           Revision to the original monitoring locations in Project EM&A Manual was made and was verified by IEC on 19 November 2009 and subsequently approved by EPD on 27 November 2009.


2.3                      Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme


The baseline TSP monitoring was conducted between 25 September 2009 and 4 December 2009 to determine the Action and Limit Levels for 1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP.   Daily 24-hour TSP samples were collected during baseline monitoring while sampling of 1-hour TSP was carried out 3 times per day.


The detail baseline air quality monitoring schedule for all locations is provided in Appendix A1.




2.4                      Air Quality (Dust) Monitoring Equipment


All the equipment used was in accordance with the Baseline Environmental Monitoring Plan Rev C approved by IEC on 19 November 2009.


For baseline air quality monitoring at CM_FM1 Western Wholesale Food Market, both 1-hour TSP and 24-hour TSP were conducted using High Volume Sampler (HVS) by ET of Contact DC/2007/23.  Details of the monitoring equipment are provided in Contract No. DC/2007/23 ˇV Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from North Point to Stonecutters Island Baseline Monitoring Report.ˇ¨


For baseline air quality monitoring at other 3 locations, 1-hour TSP air quality monitoring was performed using 1-hour dust meter and continuous 24-hour TSP monitoring was performed using High Volume Sampler (HVS) associated with equipment and shelter complied with the specifications stipulated in the approved EM&A Manual.  Table 2.2 summarizes the equipment used in the baseline air quality monitoring at these 3 locations.  All monitoring equipment was checked and calibrated prior to use.  Copies of the calibration certificates for the equipment are presented in Appendix A2. 

Table 2.2   Equipment Used for Dust Monitoring at CM_CB1a, CM_WF1a and CM_AB1a

Parameter Measured


1-hour TSP Sampling


Sibata Laser Dust Monitor Model LD-3B was used for monitoring stations CM_CB1a, CM_WF1a and CM_AB1a.

This portable instrument is capable of providing:

ˇP         Real time TSP concentration

ˇP         Adjustable logging intervals from 6 to 600 seconds

ˇP         Average concentration over logging interval and maximum and average values for entire logging period

24-hour TSP Sampling


A High Volume Sampler Model TE-5170, by Tisch Environmental, Inc., was used for monitoring stations CM_CB1a, CM_WF1a and CM_AB1a.

This instrument was equipped with:

ˇP         Mass flow controller with 20 ˇV 60 SCFM adjustable flow probe

ˇP         Mechanical timer for recording elapsed-time and 24-hour operation

ˇP         A continuous flow recorder for continuous monitoring


2.5                      Methodology and QA/QC Procedure


Weather data (wind speed) from the Green Island (for CM_FM1 and CM_CB1a) and Wong Chuk Hang (for CM_WF1a and CM_AB1a) weather stations of the Hong Kong Observatory during the baseline monitoring period are shown in Appendix C.  The general weather conditions (i.e. sunny, cloudy, or rainy) were recorded by the field observation on the monitoring day.


HVS Installations


The following criteria were considered in the installation of the HVS:


ˇP                  a horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the samplers against gusty wind was provided;

ˇP                  no two HVS were placed less than 2m apart;

ˇP                  the distance between the HVS and any obstacles, such as buildings, was at least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the HVS;

ˇP                  a minimum of 2m separation from walls, parapets and penthouses was required for rooftop samplers;

ˇP                  a minimum of 2m separation from any supporting structure, measured horizontally;

ˇP                  no furnace or incinerator flues were nearby;

ˇP                  airflow around the sampler was unrestricted;

ˇP                  any wire fence and gate, to protect the sampler did not cause any obstruction during monitoring;

ˇP                  permission was obtained to set up the samplers and to obtain access to the monitoring stations; and

ˇP                  a secured supply of electricity was provided to operate the samplers.


Field Measurements

At each monitoring location, 24-hour TSP measurements were undertaken using a HVS in accordance with the specifications listed in the EM&A Manual.  Each HVS included a motor, a filter holder, a flow controller and a sampling inlet in accordance with the performance specification of the USEPA Standard Title 40, Code of Federation Regulations Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.

The following activities were undertaken during the HVS monitoring:

ˇP                  the power supply was checked to ensure the HVS works properly;

ˇP                  the filter holder and the area surrounding the filter were cleaned;

ˇP                  the filter holder was removed by loosening the four bolts and a new filter on a supporting screen was aligned carefully;

ˇP                  the filter was properly aligned on the screen so that the gasket formed an airtight seal on the outer edges of the filter;

ˇP                  the swing bolts were fastened to hold the filter holder down to the frame.  The pressure applied was sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edges;

ˇP                  the shelter lid was closed and was secured with the aluminum strip;

ˇP                  the HVS was warmed-up to establish run-temperature conditions;

ˇP                  a new flowrate record sheet was set into the flow recorder;

ˇP                  the programmable timer was set for a sampling period of 24 hrs + 1 hr, and the starting time, weather condition and the filter number were recorded;

ˇP                  the initial elapsed time was recorded;

ˇP                  at the end of sampling, the sampled filter was removed carefully and folded in half-length so that only surfaces with collected particulate matter were in contact;

ˇP                  the sample was placed in a clean plastic envelope and sealed;

ˇP                  all monitoring information was recorded on a standard data sheet; and

ˇP                  the filters were taken back to laboratory for analysis.


The measuring procedures of the 1-hour dust meter are in accordance with the Manufacturerˇ¦s Instruction Manual as follows:

ˇP                  the 1-hour dust meter is placed at least 1.3m above ground;

ˇP                  set POWER to ˇ§ONˇ¨ and make sure that the battery level was not flash or in low level;

ˇP                  pull the air sampling inlet cover up;

ˇP                  push the knob at MEASURE position;

ˇP                  set time/mode setting to [BG] by pushing the time setting switch.  Then, start the background measurement by pushing the start/stop switch once.  It will take 6 sec. to complete the background measurement;

ˇP                  turn knob to SENSI. ADJ position and press in;

ˇP                  push Start/Stop switch once;

ˇP                  gently return knob to the MEASURE position;

ˇP                  push the time setting switch to change the time setting display to [LOG] at the bottom left of the liquid crystal display;

ˇP                  remove the cap and start measurement; and

ˇP                  information such as sampling date, time, count value and site condition were recorded during the monitoring period.


Laboratory Measurement/Analysis


The TSP samples collected from HVS at CM_CB1a, CM_WF1a and CM_AB1a were analysed at the ETˇ¦s in-house Laboratory at Central Reclamation III.  The methodology and analysis at the laboratory was approved by the Engineerˇ¦s Representative (ER) in consultation with the IEC.


Clean filter paper with no folds or pin holes of size 8ˇ¨ x 10ˇ¨ were labelled before sampling.  The filter paper were conditioned in a humidity-controlled chamber for over 24 hours and pre-weighed before used for sampling. After sampling, the filter paper containing the dust was kept tightly sealed in a plastic bag.  The filter was then returned to the laboratory for reconditioning in a humidity-controlled chamber followed by accurate weighing by an electronic balance.


2.6                      Results


The weather during the monitoring period included a variety of conditions: fine, cloudy, rainy and sunny weather.  24-hour TSP sampling at CM_FM1a Wah Ming House was suspended between 19 November to 22 November 2009 due to equipment malfunctioning.  Additional measurements were undertaken to make up for the days that sampling could not be undertaken.


The baseline monitoring results at all monitoring locations are provided in full in Appendix A3.   The summary of the baseline data at each monitoring location in terms of average, minimum and maximum value for 1-hour and 24-hour TSP sampling are summarised in Table 2.3.  Graphical representations of the 1-hour and 24-hour TSP sampling results are also shown in Appendix A3.  Detailed weather conditions during the baseline monitoring period are shown in Appendix C.

Table 2.3   Summary of Baseline 1-hour and 24-hour TSP Monitoring Results

Monitoring ID

Average 1-hour TSP Concentration, µg/m3 (Range)

Average 24-hour TSP Concentration, µg/m3  (Range)

CM_FM1 (1)


126 (61 - 201)

90 (50 - 147)



46 (15 - 96)

74 (41 ˇV 125)



53 (11 - 119)

85 (47 ˇV 128)


50 (15 - 117)

68 (40 ˇV 91)

Note:      (1)         Baseline air quality monitoring was conducted by ET of Contact DC/2007/23 and data is adopted in this Report.


For Fung Mat Road Site of this Project, the average 1-hour and 24-hour TSP concentrations measured at CM_FM1 Western Wholesale Food Market were 126mg/m3 and 90mg/m3 respectively.  Weather during baseline monitoring period was fine or sunny except 28-30 September 2009, which was rainy.  Major dust source identified was road traffic dust from Connaught Road West and slip roads to Western Harbour Crossing.


For Cyberport PTW site of this Project, the average 1-hour and 24-hour TSP concentrations measured at CM_CB1a The Arcade, Cyberport were 46mg/m3 and 74mg/m3 respectively.  Weather during baseline monitoring period was cloudy/ fine/ sunny.  Dust source identified was construction dust from the Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel next to the Project Cyberport PTW site.


For Wah Fu PTW site of this Project, the average 1-hour and 24-hour TSP concentrations measured at CM_WF1a Wah Ming House were 53mg/m3 and 85mg/m3 respectively.  Due to HVS malfunction, baseline monitoring was suspended between 19-22 November 2009.  Weather during baseline monitoring period was cloudy/ fine/ sunny.  No major dust source was identified.


For Aberdeen PTW site of this Project, the average 1-hour and 24-hour TSP concentrations measured at CM_AB1a The Hong Kong Ice and Cold Storage were 50mg/m3 and 68mg/m3 respectively.  Weather during baseline monitoring period was cloudy/ fine/ sunny.  No major dust source was identified.


2.7                      Action and Limit Levels


Action and Limit Levels for air quality were set in accordance with the EM&A Manual.  The Action and Limit Levels for all monitoring locations are provided in Table 2.4.

Table 2.4   Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality (Dust)

Monitoring ID

1-hour TSP Level, µg/m3

24-hour TSP Level, µg/m3






332 (1)


188 (2)



280 (1)


178 (2)



285 (1)


185 (2)



283 (1)


174 (2)


Notes:        (1)       For Baseline Level £ 384 mg/m3, Action Level = (Baseline Level*1.3 + Limit Level)/2;

                            For Baseline Level > 384 mg/m3, Action Level = Limit Level

                  (2)       For Baseline Level £ 200 mg/m3, Action Level = (Baseline Level*1.3 + Limit Level)/2;

                            For Baseline Level > 200 mg/m3, Action Level = Limit Level


2.8                      Event and Action Plan


The Event and Action Plan in the event of an exceedance of the above Action and Limit Levels are provided in Table 2.5 below.


Table 2.5   Event/ Action Plan for Construction Air Quality









1.    Exceedance for one sample

1.      Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures;

2.      Inform IEC and ER;

3.      Repeat measurement to confirm finding;

4.      Increase monitoring frequency to daily.

1.       Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2.       Check Contractorˇ¦s working method.

1.      Notify Contractor.

1.    Rectify any unacceptable practice;

2.    Amend working methods if appropriate.

2.    Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples

1.      Identify source;

2.      Inform IEC and ER;

3.      Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

4.      Repeat measurements to confirm findings;

5.      Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

6.      Discuss with IEC and Contractor on remedial actions required;

7.      If exceedance continues, arrange meeting with IEC and ER;

8.      If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

1.      Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2.      Check Contractorˇ¦s working method;

3.      Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

4.      Advise the ET on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

5.      Supervise Implementation of remedial measures.

1.    Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2.      Notify Contractor;

3.      Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.


1.    Submit proposals for remedial to ER within 3 working days of notification;

2.    Implement the agreed proposals;

3.    Amend proposal if appropriate.


1.   Exceedance for one sample

1.    Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures;

2.    Inform ER, Contractor and EPD;

3.    Repeat measurement to confirm finding;

4.    Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

5.    Assess effectiveness of Contractorˇ¦s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results.

1.      Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2.      Check Contractorˇ¦s working method;

3.      Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

4.      Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

5.      Supervise implementation of remedial measures.

1.      Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2.      Notify Contractor;

3.      Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.

1.       Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

2.       Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification;

3.       Implement the agreed proposals;

4.     Amend proposal if appropriate.

2.   Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples

1.     Notify IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD;

2.     Identify source;

3.     Repeat measurement to confirm findings;

4.     Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

5.     Carry out analysis of Contractorˇ¦s working procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented;

6.     Arrange meeting with IEC and ER to discuss the remedial actions to be taken;

7.     Assess effectiveness of Contractorˇ¦s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results;

8.     If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

1.      Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

2.      Check Contractorˇ¦s working method;

3.      Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial actions;

4.      Review Contractorˇ¦s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly;

5.      Supervise the implementation of remedial measures.

1.       Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2.       Notify Contractor;

3.       In consolidation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;

4.       Ensure remedial measures properly implemented;

5.       If exceedance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is abated.

1.    Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

2.    Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification;

3.    Implement the agreed proposals;

4.    Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control;

5.    Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER until the exceedance is abated.


3                            Noise


3.1                      Monitoring Requirements


Baseline noise monitoring was conducted at least 14 days at the monitoring locations between 25 September 2009 and 30 November 2009 prior to the commencement of construction.  The baseline monitoring was carried out daily for a period for at least 2 weeks.  The baseline noise monitoring programme was provided in the Baseline Environmental Monitoring Plan Rev C approved by IEC on 19 November 2009.   Logger function check and calibration was carried out according to manufacturerˇ¦s recommendations.  The equipment was checked and inspected not less than once every two days after the set up at each monitoring station.

Monitoring location M3 Block A, Kwan Yick Building Phase III locates at the interface area of this Project and Contract DC/2007/23, baseline noise monitoring was conducted by the ET of Contract DC/2007/23 and relevant data is adopted in this Report. 


3.2                      Monitoring Locations


Five (5) monitoring locations have been identified for noise monitoring for the Project.  Figures 3.1 to 3.4 show the locations of the monitoring stations and the proposed above ground works area.  Table 3.1 presents a list of the monitoring locations.  The exact locations at Aegean Terrace (M6a) and Wah Ming House (M7a) were changed from the Project EM&A Manual and such revision was approved by EPD.


Table 3.1   List of Noise Monitoring Locations

Monitoring ID



Façade / free field measurement

Figure Reference

M3 (1)

Rooftop (24/F) of Block A, Kwan Yick Building Phase III

(Fung Mat Road Site) 

Medium-rise domestic premises ˇV private housing estate





Rooftop (4/F) of Chuk Lam Ming Tong

(Sandy Bay PTW)

Hospital and clinics - home for the aged




M6a (2)


2m above ground, outside of Aegean Terrace

(Cyberport PTW)

Low-rise domestic premises ˇV private housing

Free field (3)


M7a (2)

Rooftop (19/F) of Wah Ming House

(Wah Fu PTW)

Medium-rise domestic premises ˇV public housing estate




Roof (39/F) of Wah Lai House

(Aberdeen PTW)

High-rise domestic premises ˇVpublic housing estate



Note:      (1)         Baseline noise monitoring was conducted by ET of Contact DC/2007/23 and data is adopted in this Report.

                      (2)         Revision to the original monitoring locations laid out in Project EM&A Manual was made and was verified by IEC on 19 November 2009 and subsequently approved by EPD on 27 November 2009.

               (3)         A correction factor of +3dB(A) will be added from free field to façade measurement



3.3                      Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Duration


LAeq as well as L10 and L90 were recorded at 5-minute intervals during the restricted hours of evening and night-time hours, and during the daytime of Sundays and public holidays; and 30-minute intervals were recorded during daytime hours on normal weekdays.


Monitoring periods for all five monitoring locations are listed below:


ˇP                  M3:     25-28 September 2009 and 7-19 October 2009 (suspension between 29 September and 1 October 2009 as well as 2 to 6 October due to bad weather and relocation of noise meter respectively)

ˇP                  M5:     27 October to 10 November 2009

ˇP                  M6a:   13 to 27 November 2009

ˇP                  M7a:   17 to 30 November 2009

ˇP                  M8:     23 October to 6 November 2009


Detail baseline noise monitoring schedule is provided in Appendix B1.  When suspension of monitoring due to different reasons at monitoring locations M3 and M6a, monitoring schedule was extended to fulfil the monitoring period required under Project EM&A Manual.   Data obtained from baseline noise monitoring is presented according to the following time periods:


ˇP                  Daytime: 07:00 ˇV 19:00 hrs

ˇP                  Evening-time: 19:00 ˇV 23:00 hrs

ˇP                  Night-time: 23:00 ˇV 07:00 hrs of next day


The frequencies and parameters of baseline monitoring are shown in Table 3.2

Table 3.2   Baseline Noise Monitoring Programme

Time Period

Duration, min


0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays

(average of 6 consecutive Leq (5min))

Leq, L90 & L10

Daytime of Sundays/ Public Holiday and Evening-time
0700-2300 hrs on Sundays/public holidays; and
1900-2300 hrs on all other days


2300-0700 hrs of next day


3.4                      Noise Monitoring Equipment


Two Integrated Sound Level Meters (SLMs) were used for noise monitoring.  The noise meter was a Type 1 sound level meter capable of giving a continuous readout of the noise level readings including equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) and percentile sound pressure level (Lx). The SLM complied with International Electrotechnical Commission Publications 651:1979 (Type 1) and 804:1985 (Type 1).   Table 3.3 summarises the noise monitoring equipment model used.  Certificate of Conformance of the SLMs and calibrator are given in Appendix B1.

Table 3.3  Noise Monitoring Equipment



Integrated Sound Level Meters

B&K 2238

Serial nos. 2684502 and 2684503


B&K 4231, Serial no. 2385180


3.5                      Methodology and QA/QC Procedure


The following procedures were followed during the noise monitoring:


ˇP                  the monitoring station was set approximately 1 m from the exterior of the noise sensitive receiver building façade or at least 1.2 m above the ground for free-field measurements;

ˇP                  the battery condition was checked to ensure good functioning of the meter;

ˇP                  parameters such as frequency weighting, time weighting, and measurement time were set as follows:

¨           frequency weighting ˇV A

¨           time weighting ˇV fast

¨           time measurement ˇV 5 minutes

ˇP                  prior to and after the noise measurement, the meter was calibrated using the Calibrator for 94 dB at 1000 Hz. There was no recorded difference in the calibration level before and after measurement of more than 1 dB(A);

ˇP                  all noise quality monitoring was conducted with the wind speed not exceeding 5m/s and no gusts exceeding 10m/s (see Appendix C for mean wind speed); and

ˇP                  all noise quality monitoring was conducted in accordance with the methodology specified in the Project EM&A Manual.


3.6                      Results


The results from baseline noise monitoring at all locations are presented in this section.


The weather during the monitoring included dry, cloudy, fine and sunny conditions. Apart from construction activities from Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel next to the Project Cyberport PTW site, which is in the vicinity of M6a Outside of Aegean Terrace, no construction activities were identified in the vicinity of the monitoring locations that may influence the baseline monitoring results.


Road traffic from Connaught Road West and slip roads to Western Harbour Crossing was the major noise source in area of M3 (Block A, Kwan Yick Building Phase III).  Whereas traffic noise from Sandy Bay Road/ Sha Wan Drive, Waterfall Bay Road, Wah Kwan Road/ Tin Wan Praya Road were the major noise sources in area M5 (Chuk Lam Ming Tong), M7a (Wah Ming House) and M8 (Wah Lai House) respectively.  For M6a (Outside of Aegean Terrace), the major noise source were traffic noise from Sassoon Road/ Cyberport Road and construction activities from the Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel.


Anomalies in noise measurements due to periods of external factors were not used in analysis of the baseline noise condition.  The baseline monitoring results (raw data and graphical presentation) from the monitoring stations are provided in full in Appendix B2. A summary of the baseline data (minimum, maximum and average) with anomalies (external factors) and without anomalies is shown in Table 3.4. As free-field measurement was made for M6a, a +3dB(A) correction factor has been applied to these results.

Table 3.4   Summary of Baseline Noise Monitoring Results

Monitoring ID

Leq (30 mins), dB(A)

Leq (5 mins), dB(A)

Daytime 07:00 ˇV 19:00 hrs on normal weekdays

Daytime 07:00 ˇV 19:00 hrs on Sundays & public holidays

Evening time 19:00 ˇV 23:00 hrs

Night-time 23:00 ˇV 07:00 hrs of next day

M3 (2)

Min to Max:

65.8 ˇV  75.9 (75.2)

Min to Max:

63.0 ˇV  71.6

Min to Max:

64.4 ˇV 70.6

Min to Max:

57.2 ˇV 70.3


Average: 69.2 (69.1)

Average: 67.1

Average: 66.9

Average: 62.5



Min to Max:

59.0 ˇV  73.4 (67.7)

Min to Max:

55.1 ˇV 75.2 (69.8)

Min to Max:

56.2 ˇV  63.6

Min to Max:

54.4 ˇV 70.2 (68.8)


Average: 63.1

Average: 59.2 (59.1)

Average: 58.9

Average: 56.6

M6a (3)


Min to Max:

51.2 ˇV  67.8

Min to Max:

47.5 ˇV 70.0 (62.6)

Min to Max:

46.1 ˇV  78.2 (65.9)

Min to Max:

41.6 ˇV 67.0


Average: 57.3

Average: 53.7 (53.6)

Average: 52.4 (52.3)

Average: 50.8


Min to Max:

55.4 ˇV  70.3

Min to Max:

54.6 ˇV  66.1

Min to Max:

51.9 ˇV  64.6

Min to Max:

46.8 ˇV 66.1


Average: 59.2

Average: 58.4

Average: 56.2

Average: 54.2


Min to Max:

62.0 ˇV  65.5

Min to Max:

59.6 ˇV  66.2

Min to Max:

60.1 ˇV  65.2

Min to Max:

52.5 ˇV 64.4


Average: 64.0

Average: 62.4

Average: 60.2

Average: 57.9

Note           (1)         Figures in parentheses ( ) indicate results including anomalies from rainstorms and external factors

               (2)         Baseline noise monitoring was conducted by ET of Contact DC/2007/23 and data is adopted in this Report.

               (3)         A correction factor of +3dB(A) will be added from free field to façade measurement


3.7                      Action and Limit Levels


The Action and Limit Levels of noise were established in accordance with the EM&A Manual and are provided in Table 3.5.













Table 3.5   Action and Limit Levels for Noise

Time Period



0700-1900 hrs on normal weekdays

When one documented complaint is received


0700-2300 hrs on holidays and 1900-2300 hrs on all other days


2300-0700 of next day


Note:    (1)       Between 0700-1900, construction noise limit for school during normal term time is 70dB(A) and 65dB(A) during examination period.

            (2)       To be selected based on Area Sensitivity Rating


3.8                      Event and Action Plan


The Event and Action Plan in the event of an exceedance of the above Action and Limit Levels are provided in Table 3.6  below.





Table 3.6   Event/ Action Plan for Construction Noise







Action Level being exceeded

1.        Notify ER, IEC and Contractor;

2.        Carry out investigation;

3.        Report the results of investigation to the IEC, ER and Contractor;

4.        Discuss with the IEC and Contractor on remedial measures required;

5.        Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation effectiveness.

1.        Review the investigation results submitted by the ET;

2.        Review the proposed remedial measures by the Contractor and advise the ER accordingly;

3.        Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures.

1.        Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2.        Notify Contractor;

3.        In consolidation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;

4.        Supervise the implementation of remedial measures.

1.    Submit noise mitigation proposals to IEC and ER;

2.    Implement noise mitigation proposals.

Limit Level being exceeded

1.        Inform IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD;

2.        Repeat measurements to confirm findings;

3.        Increase monitoring frequency;

4.        Identify source and investigate the cause of exceedance;

5.        Carry out analysis of Contractorˇ¦s working procedures;

6.        Discuss with the IEC, Contractor and ER on remedial measures required;

7.        Assess effectiveness of Contractorˇ¦s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results;

8.        If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

1.        Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial actions;

2.        Review Contractorˇ¦s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly.


1.        Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

2.        Notify Contractor;

3.        In consolidation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;

4.        Supervise the implementation of remedial measures;

5.        If exceedance continues, consider stopping the Contractor to continue working on that portion of work which causes the exceedance until the exceedance is abated.

1.        Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

2.        Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC and ER within 3 working days of notification;

3.        Implement the agreed proposals;

4.        Submit further proposal if problem still not under control;

5.        Stop the relevant portion of works as instructed by the ER until the exceedance is abated.



4                            landscape and visual


4.1                      Monitoring Requirements


The baseline monitoring with respect to landscape and visual aspect was carried in reference to the recorded baseline condition of the Project site as described in Section 13 of the approved EIA Report under EIA Register No. AEIAR-121/2008. 


The baseline monitoring was conducted on 2 December 2009 by a subconsultant, namely Environmental Resources Management, and the Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring Report, which included monitoring parameters, monitoring schedule, monitoring procedures and locations as well as results and  observations, is attached in Appendix D.


The landscape resources (LRs), landscape character areas (LCAs) and viewing condition of Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs) as summarized below as summarized below:


Landscape Resource (LR)


• LR3 ˇV Trees on Central PTW (Sai Ying Pun site ONLY)

• LR4 ˇV Trees on PTW and temporary works area at Sandy Bay

• LR5 ˇV Trees on PTW and temporary works area at Cyberport

• LR6 ˇV Trees on PTW at Wah Fu

• LR7 ˇV Trees on PTW and temporary works areas at Aberdeen


Landscape Character Area (LCA)


• LCA1 ˇV Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscape

• LCA2 ˇV Residential Urban Landscape

• LCA3 ˇV City Grid Mixed Urban Development

• LCA4 ˇV Residential Urban Fringe Landscape

• LCA5 ˇV Upland and Hillside Landscape

• LCA8 ˇV Organic Mixed Urban Development

• LCA9 ˇV Coastal Upland and Hillside Landscape

• LCA10 ˇV Settled Valley Landscape

• LCA11 ˇV Transportation Corridor Landscape

• LCA12 ˇV Industrial Urban Landscape

• LCA13 ˇV Mixed Modern Comprehensive Urban Development Landscape


Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)


Table 4.1 lists the key VSRs found within the Zone of Visual Influence (ZVI).








Table 4.1  Key Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)

ID. No.

Key Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)

Type of VSRs (a)

Sai Ying Pun Area


129-152 Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


Connaught Garden

Commercial/ Residential


158A-162 Connaught Road West

Commercial/ Residential


165-167 Connaught Road West

Commercial/ Residential


Western Park Indoor Game Hall



Western Wholesale Market



Connaught Road



Victoria Harbour


Sandy Bay Area


Residential Block on Sha Wan Drive



Canossian Retreat House

Government / Institution / Community


Duchess of Kent Children Hospital

Government / Institution / Community


1-15 Sandy Bay Road

Government / Institution / Community


Kennedy School

Government / Institution / Community


HKU Stanley Ho Sport Centre



Chinese Christian Cemetery

Government / Institution / Community


Sandy Bay



Sandy Bay Drive



Sea Travellers of Sandy Bay


Cybeport Area


Lower Baguio Villa



Upper Baguio Villa



Cyber Centre

Commercial/ Residential



Commercial/ Residential


Cyberport Road



Sea Travellers of Telegraph Bay


Wah Fu Area


Wah Fu Estate



Waterfall Bay Park



Waterfall Bay Road



Sea Travellers of Pok Po Wan


Aberdeen Area


Wah Kwai Estate



Residential Zone on Ap Lei Chau Estate



Gas Station



Industries Zone on Tin Wan Praya Road waterfront



Concrete Batching Plant, Planned Coach Parking Area



Tin Wan Praya Road



Aberdeen West Typhoon Shelter


Note   (a)         R = Residential; C = Commercial, CR = Commercial/Residential, 

                      GIC = Government/Institution/Community, O = Open space, OU = Others use; T = Transport related.


4.2                      Summary of Findings in Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring Report


Landscape Resources (LR)


The updated information on LRs is summarized in Table 4.2 and the change status of the LR5 and LR7 is presented in Table 4.3.

Table 4.2  Updated Information on Landscape Resources


Name of LR

No. of Trees identified in EIA Report

No. of Trees estimated to be affected in the EIA Report

Updated No. of Trees Identified within Project Worksites during Baseline Monitoring (a) (b) (c)


Trees on Central PTW (Sai Ying Pun site)





Trees on PTW and temporary works area at Sandy Bay





Trees on PTW and temporary works area at Cyberport





Trees on PTW at Wah Fu





Trees on PTW and temporary works areas at Aberdeen




Notes:      (a)             Site boundaries of work sites in the Project have updated from the boundaries stated in the approved EIA                                              report based on current site conditions.

(b)             Tree Survey Report provided by Leighton-LNS JV is also referenced.

(c)              Updated No. of Trees includes all existing trees (status alive or dead) physically found on site during site visits.

Table 4.3  Landscape Resources with Changed Status


Name of LR

Tree No.


Tree Species

Estimated Size



Amenity Value

Survival Rate after Transplant

Previous Status in Tree Survey Report

Updated Status







Good/ Fair/ Poor

Good/ Fair/ Poor

High/ Med/ Low

High/ Med/ Low




Trees on PTW and temporary works area at Cyberport


Archontophoenix alexandrae









Missing (a)










Missing (a)


Trees on PTW and temporary works areas at Aberdeen


Acacia confusa









Missing (c)


Macaranga tanarius









Dead (b)










Missing (a)

Notes:      (a)             Reported missing on 9 October 2009.  Refer to a letter dated on 14 October 2009 (Ref.: LLNSJV/2009/DC20074/000352) and a letter dated 22 January 2010 (Ref: (DC/2007/24)/M45/150(0018)) attached in Annex A of Appendix D.

                (b)             Reported cut by others on 9 October 2009.  Refer to a letter dated on 14 October 2009 (Leighton Ref.: LLNSJV/2009/DC200724/000352) and a letter dated 22 January 2010 (Ref: (DC/2007/24)/M45/150(0018)) attached in Annex A of Appendix D.

                (c)              Reported removed after typhoon on 16 September 2009.  Refer to a letter dated on 26 September 2009 (Leighton Ref.:  LLNSJV/2009/DC200724/000275) and a letter dated 22 January 2010 (Ref: (DC/2007/24)/M45/150(0018)) attached in Annex A of Appendix D.


Landscape Character Areas (LCAs)


No change in the updated baseline condition of LCAs (LCA1 to LCA5, LCA8 to LCA13) recorded in the recent review. 



Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)


No substantial change was observed except one identified VSR in Aberdeen (OU7.1 Concrete Batching Plant, Planned Coach Parking Area) to be removed from list.


4.3                      Event and Action Plan


The Event and Action Plan in the event of an exceedance of the above Action and Limit Levels are provided in Table 4.4 below.

Table 4.4   Event and Action Plan for Landscape and Visual Impact - Construction Phase

Action Level

Environmental Team Leader (ETL)

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

Engineerˇ¦s Representative (ER)


Non-conformity on one occasion

1.   Identify source

2.   Inform the IEC and the ER

3.   Discuss remedial actions with the IEC, the ER and the Contractor

4.   Monitor remedial action until rectification has been completed

1.     Check report

2.     Check the Contractorˇ¦s working method

3.     Discuss with the ER and the Contractor on possible remedial measures

4.     Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures


1.     Notify the Contractor

2.     Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented


1.    Amend working methods

2.    Rectify damage and undertake remedial measures or any necessary replacement

Repeated Non-conformity

1.   Identify source

2.   Inform the IEC and the ER

3.   Increase monitoring (site audit) frequency

4.   Discuss remedial actions with the IEC, the ER and the Contractor

5.   Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed

6.   If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring (site audit)

1.    Check report

2.    Check the Contractorˇ¦s working method

3.    Discuss with the ER and the Contractor on possible remedial measures

4.    Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures

5.    Supervise implementation of remedial measures

1.    Notify the Contractor

2.    Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented

1.    Amend working methods

2.    Rectify damage and undertake remedial measures or any necessary replacement






5                            revision for inclusion in the em&A manual


The baseline environmental monitoring was conducted according to the approved Project EM&A Manual for air quality, noise as well as landscape and visual impact.


The monitoring methodology, parameters monitored, and monitoring locations are all in line with the approved Project EM&A Manual.

6                            conclusions and recommendations


6.1                      Overview


This Baseline Environmental Monitoring Report has been prepared by Atkins China Ltd (ACL) for Contract No. DC/2007/24 Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from Aberdeen to Sai Ying Pun, in compliance with the Project EM&A Manual under EP No. EP-322/2008/B.  This Report presents the baseline environmental monitoring results which cover air quality, noise as well as visual and landscape aspects as monitored between September to December 2009 prior to commencement of Project construction works. 


Apart from the construction works conducted by the Hong Kong West Drainage Tunnel at the vicinity of Project Cyberport PTW site, no major construction activities influencing air quality, noise or landscape and visual aspects were identified during the baseline monitoring.


6.2                      Air Quality


Baseline air quality monitoring was undertaken at four representative sensitive receiver locations, (CM_FM1 Western Wholesale Food Market, CM_CB1a The Arcade, Cyberport, CM_WF1a Wah Ming House and CM_AB1a The Hong Kong Ice and Cold Storage).  The baseline monitoring of air quality included 1-hour and 24-hour TSP monitoring, which was undertaken from September to December 2009.   The baseline TSP monitoring data was processed, reviewed and analysed to establish the appropriate Action and Limit Levels for 1-hour and 24-hour TSP during impact monitoring throughout the construction of the Project.  The Projectˇ¦s Action and Limit Levels have been established in this report.


6.3                      Noise


Baseline noise monitoring for five locations (M3 Block A, Kwan Yick Building Phase III, M5 Chuk Lam Ming Tong, M6a Outside of Aegean Terrace, M7a Wah Ming House and M8 Wah Lai House) have been completed to date (between September to November 2009). The baseline monitoring included 24-hour noise monitoring, covering daytime, evening-time and night-time periods.  Action and Limit Levels for the Project have been set.



6.4                      Landscape and Visual


Baseline landscape and visual monitoring was conducted on 2 December 2009.  The changes of existing baseline condition of LRs, LCAs and views towards VSRs as stipulated in the approved EIA were listed.  Regular monitoring throughout the construction period shall be undertaken as per the Event and Action Plan.